Thursday, January 22, 2015


I have been birding hard, folks. I love living with a lake view here in Guntersville. I try to get out every single day to count and observe Common Loons at the causeway, which is my new passion. I've found two banded birds, both migrating from Minnesota, and am learning tons from two different biologists about Loons and their behavior.

So, instead of listing and chasing all of the birds I can, I am focusing right now on observing and documenting the Loons at the lake. I haven't been happier when it comes to birding. I finally feel like I am home.

I am planning a few birding trips- namely Barnegat Light and Sax-Zim Bog in February, the LRGV of Texas in March, a pelagic out of Hatteras at some point, and southeastern Arizona in early September. I am not setting any official goals for this year. I'm just going to get out, and enjoy whatever the birds and nature has to show and teach me this year. Check back for updates and I will try to write as often as I can. Between my personal research and five kids, it's certainly hard to find the opportunity.
Until next time- Happy Birding Y'all.


1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Amber! I hope your still keeping up with the observations! If you ever do come out to Arizona and you would like company, let me know as I would love to join you! Hopefully your not melting this summer... :)
